The New Vistas Healthcare range of remedies encourages natural health, strength and balance through Homoeotherapy. This combines homeopathic principles with nutrition, organ support and complementary procedures such as kinesiology and bio resonance. Homoeopatherapy integrates other holistic healthcare styles & remedies such as herbs, supplements, flower essences and chakra therapy. Organotherapy can help stimulate the body’s own healing power for organ and tissue support.
New Vistas remedies have been developed following careful sourcing and blending of ingredients so as to maximise the synergistic effect. Complementary herbs are chosen and careful attention is paid to avoid a combination with anti-doting ingredients. The resulting effect is the equivalent to a new singular formula.
New Vistas consist of different formulas to target different issues:
• Xenobiotics: for detoxification of foreign chemicals.
• Liquescences: to support and nourish stressed or damaged organs.
• Sarcodes: to rebuild damaged tissue.
• Therapeutic Remedies: to stimulate the body’s own healing power, draining and pushing those toxins from the body.