Violet glass, or biophotonic glass, has unique properties to protect natural products from the harmful effects of sunlight and acts as a barrier to prevent the bio-energetic values of natural products, packed inside MIRON glass, to migrate out of the glass.

Benefits of MIRON Violetglass include:

  • Longer shelf life and quality preservation
  • Taste, smell, color, bio-energy, and products properties are protected & preserved
  • Sustainable solution: less waste & recyclable – less ‘expiration’ waste + reusable/recyclable glass packaging for a ‘plasticless’ future

Miron Violet Glass blocks the complete spectrum of visible light with the exception of the violet part. At the same time it allows a certain part to be permeable for radiation in the spectral range of UV-A, and infra red light. This unique combination offers optimal protection against the ageing processes that are released by visible light, thus lengthening durability and potency of products.

The sun emits visible and invisible light parts. The visible spectrum becomes discernable to our eyes when white light is channeled through a glass prism. At the same time though, light also contains a part which is invisible to our eyes and lies in the radius of electromagnetic wavelengths of infra red and UV-A. Sunlight enables all plants to grow. If they continue to be exposed to the sun after reaching maturity, the effect of the light changes and accelerates the molecular decaying process.

Miron violet glass works like a natural filter that only lets the sunlight that protects and improves the quality of premium and sensitive substances. This unique combination offers optimal protection against the ageing processes that are released by visible light, thus lengthening durability and potency of products. In order to substantiate these advantages, Miron Violet Glass AG has conducted a series of tests themselves and in cooperation with scientific institutions.

Further confirmation of functionality comes from the science of biophotonics.

Storage test with tomatoes
In order to more easily prove the quality protection given to food stored in MIRON violet glass, a microbiological experiment was carried out with cherry tomatoes. During this test, a cherry tomato was stored for 7 months in a white glass and in a MIRON violet glass, and then kept at room temperature where sunlight could reach it. The result was photographed after 7 months. The microbiological changes of the tomato stored in white glass were clearly seen. The tomato stored in MIRON violet glass however showed no loss of color and no signs of drying out.

Storage test with chives
Sprayed, white, green and brown glass are permeable in the visible light spectrum and don’t offer enough protection against decomposition caused by light. As an experiment, several herbs and spices were stored for 3 months in several types of glass (white, brown, violet), and were either exposed to the sun for several hours a day or kept inside. After 2 months, the visible quality change was recorded with photographs, and the difference in smell determined in a blind test with volunteers. The chive samples that were exposed to the sun bleached in brown and white glass.  The sample stored in MIRON violet glass showed no color change. The smell of the chives stored in MIRON violet glass was also clearly stronger and fresher. (Dr. Niggli and Dr. Max Bracher)

The Secret of Miron Violetglass
According to the Institute Fraunhofer in Munich (Germany) the radiation in the photosensitive area (app 450nm to 720nm) does not penetrate the VIOLET glass. Amber glass on the other hand lets light through here and in all of the visible areas of the light spectrum. Experts talk about a potential “quality leak”. The secret of Miron Violet Glass is based on the violet spectral range (720 – 770 Bio herz) which can permanently activates and energizes the molecular structure, and the healing energies of substances stored in the Miron Violet Glass doesn’t “escape”.


In October 1997 the Institute of Dr. Dieter Knapp in Mittenwald, Germany clearly confirms the effectiveness of Miron Violet Glass. After 36 days of storage in amber glass (Photo A), a distinct energy loss of the globuli of the contents occurred because the amber glass did not protect the contents from the light. In Miron Violet Glass (Photo B), the energy is preserved because the Violet Glass protected the contents from the light. The contents are strong, harmonious and vibrant.

The photos clearly prove how important it is to store healing substances in Miron Violet Glass, especially in the categories of homeopathy, flowers remedies, tinctures, essences, energy rich food supplements, and essential oils.

Recent research by Prof. F.A. Popp and Dr. H. Niggli, 1997/1998 proves that solar energy in our food is essential for our health. Solar energy enters our cells in the form of Bio-photons, the smallest physical unit of light. Bio-photons provide important information for the complex life process in our bodies. The Bio-Photons have a strong regulating and balancing energy and put the organism into a higher vibration or order. These Bio-Photons are extremely sensitive. Dr. H. Niggli’s readings show that Bio-photons noticeably decrease in conventional packaging such as amber glass, green glass, blue glass, aluminium foil, plastics, and other synthetic containers.

Miron Violet Glass maintains and even enhances the high energy of the bottle’s contents for a long period of time. Late 1997, the Institute of Dr. D. Knapp tested different spirulina samples. Fresh tablets from the same production were packaged in different containers. After 4 weeks the results were measured.  See the images below. The sample in the Miron glass shows a strong and dynamic energy field.

      Amber             Plastic                Miron

The samples in amber glass and plastic container show a clear energy loss. Ever since the beginning of glass production (app. 3,500 pre Christ) exclusively violet or golden containers/bottles have been used to preserve precious salves, oils, essences and alternative medicines. Today, thanks to science, we know that life (energy) is best preserved by Violet, which no other spectral range can compare. In 1851 Jakob Lorber’s (Graz, Austria. 1800-1864) edition “Healing Properties Of Sunlight” (Die Heilkraft des Sonnenlichtes) was published. In this volume he points out that violet glass is the ideal storage container for healing remedies and other substances that are sensitive to light. In 1991 after seven long years of research Miron found the right colour tone of the violet glass.